My heart is yours if you're offering free cheese-on-bread product.
This was pretty exciting. I was asked to do an interview for DPI, a Taiwanese magazine. They've featured a ton of artists that I love, so it was great to be included. And boy, were they speedy - only a couple weeks from my answering the questions, to the magazine coming through my mailbox. If you'd like to read my answers, you can see gigantic images of the pages here: page 1 and page 2. And check out the cat making her editorial debut!
Been photographing my ceramics finally (coming to the store soon!). My brother came over to help me out and snapped these pictures. They make me laugh, he's photographed them like they're real little characters. Smart boy.
Here's the whole pile of clay pieces on my dining table, waiting to be photographed.
A super-quick-turnaround drawing for the NYTimes letters page yesterday. Letters responding to an article about proposed cuts to social security. Rather timely given that yesterday a barrage of benefit cuts came into place in the UK, heralding the apocalypse we've all been waiting for.*
In print the drawing is teeny-wee, but you can read the letters and see the drawing (again) online here.
*Those cuts, combined with the whole goodbye-gulf-stream-hello-eternal-winter situation, mean it might be time to up sticks to Cali. For the entire population of the UK. Get ready, In-N-Out!
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